Enrich your life,
Increase your value

Drainage concerns? A rain garden is an excellent solution when property flooding cannot be alleviated with conventional methods.
Here's how it works: First we determine the problem area or where your water is sitting. Next, we excavate to below the hard-pan two feet (this generally gives us a depth of 4'-5' below surface) by a calculated area that is determined to allow adequate consumption of the desired amount of water. Then we re-fill our hole with a bio-filter material designed to allow the passage of water for optimal absorption. Finally, we install edging with your choice of our attractive edging products, plant your favorite water loving perennials, top with a decorative mulch and voila! You now have a beautiful and effective solution to your water problems!
Want to make it look more natural? Or need to direct or appropriate drainage to the garden? A dry riverbed is a perfect solution!!
Rain Gardens